Since its formation in 1974 the company has been responsible for the construction of numerous new build, extension and refurbishment schemes ranging from six to in excess of 50 units in the residential sector.
Schemes delivered have ranged from the reconstruction of a flint barn and outbuildings in an area of outstanding natural beauty to affordable, shared ownership and open market housing units for Registered Social Landlords.
Examples of work in the Residential sector:

Stowe Place & Stowe Mews
South Road, Newhaven
Demolition and new construction of 19 apartments and 2 houses
Client: Lewes District Council
Team: MacKellar Schwerdt Architects, Haworth MacCall & MCA Consulting Enginers Ltd

Snower Hill Farm, Betchworth, Surrey
Construction of 8 new houses for rent, access road and external landscaping.
Client: Apley Estates
Team: Nye Saunders Ltd, Perega Ltd, MCA Ltd

Blenheim Road
Horsham, West Sussex
The demolition of existing garages and the erection of three storey block of 9 flats with associated parking and landscaping.
Client: Saxon Weald Homes Ltd
Team: Sunninghill Construction, Stephen Wilson Partnership & MCA Consulting Engineers Ltd

Pathfield Close
Horsham, West Sussex
Demolition of six vacant bungalow dwellings and the erection of six two storey dwellings with associated parking and landscaping.
Client: Saxon Weald Homes Ltd
Team: Sunninghill Construction, Stephen Wilson Partnership, MCA Consulting Engineers

Kensington Street
Brighton, East Sussex
Construction of eleven flats and one town house across three separate sites in the North Laine area of the city centre
Client: The Guinness Partnership
Team: Baily Garner, Hemsley Orrell Partnership, PJR Services

Chailey, East Sussex
Construction of six single-storey long term tenancy flats providing supported living accommodation for adults with complex needs
Client: East Sussex County Council
Team: Faithful and Gould, Mace Group, Hamson Barron Smith, HT Partnership

Guildford, Surrey
Demolition, extension and complete refurbishment to Midwey House to provide modern accommodation for 34 local young people and staff
Client: Downslink Group
Team: NorthGates, Liam Russell Architects, Scott White and Hookins, Delta Green Environmental Design